Moist 🤝 Mayo

Moist 🤝 Mayo
This week, Kraft may have given us the biggest ick ever. As part of a new campaign, the consumer packaged goods giant is on a mission to have Merriam-Webster honor “moist” as its Word of the Year via search hacking, and it’s giving mayo maniac energy. M-W must have been sooooooo very thankful when they received a giant tub of the condiment with a “Real Moist” logo adorned across it to really get them in the mood. Are we weirded out? Yes. Are we slightly intrigued to see how this will evolve? Also yes.


We thank you for your service (and humor!)
As we observe Veterans Day, we must first share our utmost appreciation for those who have proudly served within the United States Armed Forces. Your dedication is truly admirable, and seeing this story in The Washington Post made our hearts full. Fighting in wars is no joke, but adding some LOL into the mix to make the tough days a little lighter really hit home for us. In an organization that is so operational, vulnerability and humanity are key — and weaving humor into day-to-day tasks can make all the difference. We salute you, Vets, and offer infinite thanks for the sacrifices (and dad/mom jokes) you have made. 

Consumers, we’re onto ya
If you were a boomer navigating through the pandemic and learning all about ‘the technology kids use these days,’ you may have thought that was as perplexing as life could get. Welp, you were wrong. Perhaps the most confusing, ever-evolving aspect of all is nailing down WTF is going on in the minds of consumers. Thankfully, Marketing Dive and Statista have teamed up and launched a new white paper geared toward the, “Must Watch Consumer Trends of 2024.” Thank goodness for their insights — because we might actually be more sick of trying to figure out future customer behaviors than we are tired of hearing about the Travis Kelce x Taylor Swift situationship or whateva. Oooooops, did we take it too far? Never. 

Introducing PepperPicks
We’re so thrilled to launch a new feature of Wit + Wisdom: PepperPicks! This section will highlight a new travel destination, restaurant, etc. from across the globe and down the street, personally chosen by a member of the Peppercomm fam. We hope to fuel your travel itch and empty your wallets with just about all the reccos you can handle — that is, if you can get through the pain of reading the newsletter up until this point. So, because ⅔ of our W+W team are Philadelphians, we’re obviously highlighting our first must-try in Eagles country: Reading Terminal Market. From giant pickles to cheesesteaks to Thai food to cannolis, this place has it all. You’ll love this jawn!

Wit +Wisdom


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