Humor in the Workplace: The Peppercomm Comedy Experience

Laughter and humor in the workplace have never been more important.  You Can’t Laugh at That‘s David Horning recently interviewed Peppercomm founder and CEO, Steve Cody, on the value of humor and why leaders need to be more vulnerable in today’s workplace.

For more than a decade, Peppercomm has partnered with a professional comedian to deliver programs for groups as small as five and as large as 1,000.

Among the many benefits of stand-up and improvisation comedy are:

  • Enhanced presentation skills
  • Better listening skills
  • More self-confidence when speaking in public
  • Better storytelling skills
  • Heightened camaraderie within the team being trained
  • Improved communications throughout the department
  • Knowing how to “read a room”
  • Better storytelling
  • Enhanced morale and engagement
  • An improved workplace culture

Peppercomm’s Comedy Experience has been used to help sales teams, marketing communications departments, fast track managers, senior executives, operations management as well as human resources and legal departments.  To learn more, please contact us!

Wit +Wisdom


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