Ashley Grund

Ashley Grund

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Ashley Grund

Senior Account Executive

As an Senior Account Executive at Peppercomm, I work across a variety of B2B, technology and financial services accounts, including Wilbur Ellis, Wilmington Trust, AXA IM, Travelers, trivago and Hikma. I bring sharp media insights and a deep understanding of current events to my work supporting media relations and thought leadership. I am also helping to support our summer internship program.

I was previously an Associate Account Executive at KWT Global, where I worked on accounts across industries such as healthcare, technology, fintech, and professional services.

My understanding of media and journalism was bolstered through previous experience as a News Desk intern at CNN in Hong Kong. During college, I pursued internships at The World Bank and on Capitol Hill that gave me diverse professional experience.

I am a proud graduate of The George Washington University, with a degree in International Affairs and Journalism and Mass Communication. I was born and raised in New York and grew up in Westchester County.

My greatest break-through moment was:

Navigating around Asia using Chinese during my semester abroad

