Humor is back, baby! 

Humor is back, baby! 

It’s cray cray to think some peeps don’t have humor running through their veins each day like us Peppercommers do. But, rest assured PC fam and loyal followers, thanks to this recent article by The Drum, LOLing within advertising is on the rise. In late 2023, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity announced that it would add a new humor category to its 2024 awards. This is a major W for the witty + wise and we’re psyched to see how brands utilize the power of humor in the next 365 (+ beyond!).


I’m a new millennial manager, of course I’m anxious about it 

Having an employee rise into a manager position is totes exciting, but for the individual tackling this new leadership role, it can be quite intimidating. Thankfully, Forbes Business Council is here to save the day with insights from 20 of its members on how to make the transition a bit easier – including thoughts from our very own CEO, Steve Cody. Additionally, this TikTok on what one might experience while managing a  Gen-Zer might prove to be high-key helpful. 


Slay will never be ‘out’ for us

The thought of our fave millennial slang term being dubbed as ‘uncool’ for 2024 def hurt our late-twenties feelings a wee bit. But, according to the kiddies, a current trend that is ‘popping awf’ this January is ‘ins and outs.’ The practice entails listing what you’ll essentially be keeping/moving towards this year and what is no longer making the cut. Ex: This Dazed Digital article notes a few ‘ins’ as backpacks, ginger-based dranks and having a nemesis (we stan this one and actually already have multiple) and some ‘outs’ as ballet flats (say it louder for people in the back) and streaming services (but how will we keep up with Kris Jenner’s empire???). Anyway, a major 2024 ‘in’ for us is getting our clients to perform TikTok dances while an ‘out’ is for sure anyone who is still trying to make Birkenstocks w/ socks a thing. Sowwy not sowwy. 



As the snow falls in the Northeast and we bundle up this Friday, we’re dreamin’ of warmer weather. Next stop: Miami, PLZZZZZ. And while we’re there, we’ll of course hit up Lagniappe for some smooth jazz beats + charcuterie meats. 

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