Wit + Wisdom | April 28, 2023

Alexa, play ‘All Too Well’ by Taylor Swift 😂

Books? People still read those? Of course they do. We might even have another recco for one coming your way soon. 😉 Anywho, author Calvin Kalsuke hits the nail on the head with the novel, ‘Several People are Typing.’ Composed entirely of Slack messages, this read takes us through the work life of Gerald, a mid-level public relations type who, like us, is probably wondering WTF he has gotten himself into. Ya can’t beat these relatable paperback laughs for a nice sixteen buckaroos! 

These words might just get us through it 🦉

⚠️ #InspoAlert incoming ⚠️ Nope – this isn’t another yoga-obsessed soccer mom convincing you to turn your life and financial state around by joining her pyramid scheme. Instead, this is a compilation of funny work quotes. We know, this is EXACTLY what you want to comb through as you crawl to the finish line towards the weekend. If nothing else, take away these beautiful words by the late American ventriloquist, Edward Bergen (don’t Google unless you want nightmares): “Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?” #FriYAYMoooood 

Let’s add some LOL to RIP

Losing a loved one is never easy, but your good friend humor will always be there to help you cope in a way that your horrible ex just can’t. With a little bit of LOL, grief might not be so bad. This HuffPost article shows how this practice gets us connecting, talking, and chuckling at something that we were always told was the most unfunny thing ever. We’re not saying you should bust out giggling uncontrollably during the funeral, but perhaps take a solid piece of advice from our Chief Comedy Officer, comedian Clayton Fletcher. When a woman came up to him after one of his shows to share that she had recently lost her husband and enjoyed having a laugh, he replied with, “My condolences. Will you buy my new CD in his honor?” Hey, it’s been said you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. 

Wit +Wisdom


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